So just to give a quick update. I am about 40% done with my short story's first draft , and thoroughly enjoying myself; short story writing is fun!
I've gone with the remarkably common names of Tom for my hero, and Sophie for my heroine. My goal is to make the physicality of the pair be as normal as possible, run-of-the-mill, in fact. I have with the aliens as well, they are also rather generic. I have decided to call them Ralphies, not as there actual names but as the name they are referred to by.
The setting will be called the 'X galaxy', I went with a roman numeral name system because I grow so weary of ridiculous made up names that no one would ever consider naming a galaxy after. Also cheesy "new" locations named after current places on earth, (New Memphis, New Jordan) just don't work for me. So the galaxy will be the tenth galaxy currently under human exploration, and one that is only a few thousand years from being swallowed by a black hole.
My characters are losing a battle with time. They are on the side that's winning the war, but are stuck in the clutches of the enemy. They face daily torture sessions, solitude and loneliness, and slowly but surely they are falling in love.
Around them their world is reduced to nothing more than a glass bubble, and daily trips to the torture room. It also seems that the outside battle is drawing close, but they can't be sure of anything.
I already have the ending pretty much wrapped up. I have decided that Tom is going to have to face a decision; to run and leave Sophie, or stay and tempt death.
What would you do?
That seems to be a reoccurring question for me as I write this story. What would I do in that situation? If I can compel my readers to ask themselves that same question, then I have achieved a goal as a writer, and perhaps will have the makings of a good story.
I'm pleased with my progress so far. I just checked my word count, I am at 2900 words. I have finished both the beginning and the end. All I need to do now is throw the middle scenes together and I will have the first draft.
I think I'll have a contest, a test of loyalty from my group of loyal followers.
Does anybody want to play the role of Alpha reader for this project? I will select someone for the job. The pay is unbelievable, and the benefits are out-of-sight. If you're interested just fire off a comment, if you can't comment due to lack of google account, than go ahead and email me at
I'm going to halt my efforts at practical advice for the time being as I have quite a bit on my plate right now. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks though I'm sure it will be back.
Also I'm considering on changing the format in coming chapters. I want to invite reader participation, and have more open discussions. If you're reading this than you're obviously interested in writing, and that means you have something to contribute. More on that in the future.
'Til then...
I want to be a alpha reader....