Okay so here's the deal...
I wasn't able to get my usual style of chapter ready for S.O.F. this week, and since it's Saturday morning I figured I would instead give some teasers of the projects I'm working on. I'm gonna be vague on some things, but at the very least it will give you all an idea of the scope of writing I am currently doing.
I'll start with the obvious:
Overshadowed is going extremely well, I am working on trimming one last chapter. It's pretty wordy, and laden with lots of adverbs and adjectives, kind of embarrassing lol. When this chapter is finished we only have one small half chapter left and the final draft is DONE!!!!! I am working on some character bio's, brief summaries, and a major teaser project (more of that later). For now, if you're interested in getting a sneak-peak of Overshadowed, let me know. I am seeking Alpha Readers.
Other projects:
The major teaser project is a prequel to Overshadowed. It is being written in Novella form and is going to be available for your reading pleasure some time in the spring. I'm very excited about this story, it is loaded with action and suspense, and is one of my most favorite pieces.
I just finished up a 1500 word short for a short story contest. The contest deadline is December 1st, so that is going out today, or if I have to procrastinate further, on Monday. I am supposed to hear news of my victory sometime in February.
Those of you who were quick enough to catch my release of 'Glass Walls' a couple of months ago, got to see a completed short story. I am going to try and publish that story, I feel it could do well in the current Sci-Fi marketplace. So in my spare-time, I am working on getting submission packets together.
I have several "Shelf Novels" in the works as well. None of them are true Sci-Fi, none of them are true Fantasy. I'm finding it difficult to fall into a particular genre as a writer, maybe I'm going to need to create a pseudonym.......
One of those "Shelf Novels" is my spin on the current vampire craze. It's also my attempt at humor writing. It's been interesting, but I haven't found much time to work on it in the last year, so it is collecting digital-dust in my Hard Drive.
I have a handful of projects that I am shy about. Primarily because I am extremely excited about them, and the future they present for me as a writer. So they all get categorized as my "Super-Secret, High-Hopes Novels", if I am able to effectively market Overshadowed, I will start working on one of these. One novel, it's working title is called 'Darkness', is a story that gives me goosebumps if I think about it too much. So that will probably be the next project I tackle; and I promise that it won't take me five years to finish it.
And finally, the Overshadowed sequel!!!!! Yes Overshadowed is a stand-alone novel, but the story is not completed. In fact it's just getting warmed up, I have some major things in store for the readers of this series. The sequel, which I have tentatively called 'The Lure of Shadows' is in the basic outline form right now, and it blows my socks off when I go there. I simply cannot wait to start writing this book; I have been stuck in line editing and re-drafting for a llllloooooonnnnnnggggggg time now, and I am ready to continue the story of Overshadowed.
So that is all for now readers. Keep a close eye on this blog, things are starting to get very exciting. I promise that it's worth the wait.
'Til next time...
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